Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Date Day!

I had the opportunity today to spend the morning with my wife, Olivia, by flexing my work schedule to accommodate for a late night at work. We never pass an opportunity to spend time together during the week because we realize that our tax dollars provide our children with an education and a babysitter from 8am to 3pm, Monday through Friday. This is one of the few times I appreciate compulsory education laws, but that is a rant for another time. Use Group Name "CorpusChristi"

So, what have we done so far? Well, we kicked off the morning by sending the kids off to school followed by an hour of preparing about 270 brochures to promote The Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaway. This is nothing, we still need to prepare another 500 brochures for three weekends in a row of promoting Weekend to Remember at three different churches.

Why would we spend the morning of our date day to work on promoting an event that we've already attended four times in five years? The fact is that we have been called to encourage other couples to work on and strengthen their own marriages with every opportunity they can. The Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaway is one of those opportunities, and it only comes to Corpus Christi once a year. We often hear about couples that have drifted apart or wished there was something out there that would teach people how to have a healthy, happy, loving marriage. Well, we've had it all along with the Bible, and the Weekend to Remember event is pretty much the Cliff's Notes on what the Bible says about marriage. It is relevant to today's culture, and it meets couples where they are whether they are struggling or they think everything is just fine. We encourage you to check out the links in this post and share it with your friends and family, your neighbors, and your co-workers. Anyone who is married or engaged should attend at least once every couple of years.

Oh, don't worry, we are still going to get the most out of date day. Liv is taking me to a place in Corpus Christi called Ghengis Grill for some Mongolian-style food. I am excited.


  1. You have the same thought as Dave and I do. Day dates while childeren are at school. Gives us time to talk and see what we want to plan for the week or months down the road. Without little ear's hearing. Cause as you two know things change, and childeren can always say well you said. :0) Its a time for Dave and I. Dave takes me to a place that is romantic with the lighting and we sit next to eachother rather than across froom eachother. Its nice just us on a date. Its like dateing him all over again. I ask Dave so what are your hobbies, what is the book in the bible that you like the most ect. What he liked 15 years ago will be not what he likes now. :0) Of cource viseversea.

  2. A lot of folks will say they can't afford to go out now that they have kids, bills, and credit card debt. Heather, you said it best. It is about spending quality time together. Liv & I made dates out of Happy Meals and hanging out at Barnes and Noble over coffee (hot chocolate for Liv since she doesn't drink coffee). I'd rather spend $20-$30/week (our more) renewing my relationship with my wife now than pay for divorce, alimony, child support, and regret for the rest of my life.


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