Friday, January 4, 2013

5 Books That Strengthened My Marriage

Knowledge is power, and I often hear people say that we were not given a manual when it comes to marriage.  There are a lot of resources available today about how to have a healthy marriage. Here is a list of five books that have shaped me into a better man, and given me the knowledge to do what I can to strengthen my marriage.

Keep in mind that reading a book only helps you when you commit to applying what you've read to your life. So, don't read for completion, but read for knowledge.

1. The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. Most fights in marriage are based on money. If a couple does not agree to some basic rules on finances in their marriage, that couple is inviting extra conflict and ultimately deep wounds into the relationship. Dave Ramsey's book has helped couples understand and develop a simple gameplan to strengthen their finances and in turn strengthen their marriage relationships. Liv and I have also complete Financial Peace University. We budget, give, save, and spend our money together.
2. The Holy Bible. A lot of people roll their eyes at this, or will share with me all the ways the Bible is mis-quoted to justify abuse of women. The Bible is clear on how men can lead their wives the way Jesus Christ did, through sacrifice and service. The Proverbs 31 Man is one of those examples.

3. The Christian Husband by Bob Lepine. What if God interviewed you before you dated His daughter? This book takes men through that experience, and puts marriage into a different perspective.

4. The Love Dare is based on the movie Fireproof that includes a 40-day challenge on how to love your spouse in a Godly way. Here's a serious admission from me on this book...I've never gotten past the 5th or 6th day whenever taking on the 40-day challenge. The first day's challenge alone has been enough to improve my marriage exponentially, go through the entire day without saying anything negative to my wife.
5. "A Weekend to Remember" Manual. I saved my manuals from all the FamilyLife Weekend to Remember events Liv and I have attended. Within those manuals are the notes and personal challenges I've made about how to improve myself for my marriage one step at a time. Side note: Use Group Name "CorpusChristi" and receive a special discount if you decide to take your spouse to an event.

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