Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Do You Need to be Qualified to do Great Things For God?

Many men fall for the lie that if we are filled with struggles, problems, or just not perfect that we are not qualified for God's work. The misconception is that we must be strong. The truth is that we are all jacked up (Romans 3:23), but God has a purpose for us all (Romans 8:28).

Let's take a look at Gideon, Israel's unlikely hero in Judges 6-7. Gideon was the least in his family which was the weakest clan of the smallest tribe of Israel. God called on Gideon to lead 32,000 fighting men against the Midianite army which was so vast that it was impossible to count.

Gideon's initial reaction to God's calling wasn't exactly stellar. He discredits himself, and even thinks God is playing a trick on him and asks three times for God to show a sign that He's serious. God has to reassure Gideon that he's not going to die, and when God instructs Gideon to tear down his father's alter to Baal, he's so afraid of his father that he tears down the alter at night so no one will see him do it.

It's easy to get a good laugh at Gideon, but here is the cool thing. He tore down the alter despite his fears. He took charge of the army of 32,000 even though they were greatly outnumbered. THEN, God said to Gideon, you have too many men, so send the scaredy-cats home. Okay. Then, God said, still too many, go take the remaining 10,000 to get a drink of water. Okay. Gideon, see the 300 men smart enough to drink water out of their hands and keep a look out for the enemy? Keep them and send the rest home. Okay. Now, your 300 men are going to take on the vast army of Midian with trumpets, torches and clay jars. You got it, Lord!

I often wonder what the reaction looked like of the 31,700 fighting men who got to go home thinking they just saw Gideon march off to a suicide mission. The relief turned into surprise. The jokes and mockery turned into admiration for God's glory.

God is actually looking for men who have weakness written all over them. His power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Our ministry often comes from our own failures and weaknesses from the former drug addict who helps people fight addiction to the former homeless man who now helps hundreds of people find shelter, food, and work. We get our strength from God (Philippians 4:13, Zechariah 4:6), and all God wants is a weak man who will have an obedient heart like Gideon. It was Gideon's eventual faith that allowed God to work a miracle through him. God can and will do the same with you if you will just be humbly obedient to Him, and have faith.

1 comment:

  1. No experience necessary. Let's see...Moses, Abraham, Noah, Paul...the list could go on, but I'm sure no would would have thought these guys were qualified.


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