Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Teach Your Children Your Faith

I had the wild hair idea to turn off the tv today and do a Bible study with my kids. I'm glad I did because the study was age about getting to heaven by faith in Jesus and not by works!

When asked how to get to Heaven, they said through Jesus. (Yes!)

When I asked if you can get to heaven through doing good deeds, they said yes. (Uh oh.)

So, if you help a homeless person, does that get you to heaven? Yes, daddy. (Oh, boy.)

Do you think going to church can get you into heaven? Well, duh, daddy! (Oh, nooooo!)

Once I got over my initial panic, I realized this is why it's important for me to DO bible study with my kids rather than letting them see me do it, or sending them off to someone else. We finished with the understanding that there is only one way into heaven, through seminary, just kidding, through Jesus (in case you thought I forgot). Good deeds are important in showing other people God's glory. And, my kids got fired up and want to do this daily. Striving to know God's word is vital not only for my own life, but for future generations in my family as well.

Now, I'm committed to hold them to it.

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