Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Our Trip to Little Rock

Liv and I had a great opportunity to travel to Little Rock, and a spend a weekend with FamilyLife Ministries. The purpose was for a brainstorming session regarding the new volunteer team structure for FamilyLife's new Homebuilders Movement which is taking off. We were definitely out of our element, or so we thought. Every couple had at least 20 years of marriage under their belts. We had less than 9 years. We were the newest Christians in the crowd having received Christ into our lives in 2004 (6 years ago), but we also knew God had us there for a reason.

We were interviewed by the head staff writer for FamilyLife, Mary Larmoyeux, and shared our story about why marriage is so important for Liv and I, and how God has strengthened our marriage through the Weekend to Remember Getaway. She has written an article that will publish on November 30 in their e-Newsletter called "The Family Room".

We also interviewed for a staff position within FamilyLife, and during that interview the HR rep stated that he could see us working in Little Rock sooner than we think. Liv has had it on her heart ever since we first attended a Weekend to Remember in 2007 that we would one day be on staff with FL in Little Rock. I learned about this from her during our interview! Man, all those times she told me we weren't meant to go to Little Rock, and she had it on her heart, too!

Well, we won't be able to go to Little Rock just yet. It turns out that my college debt of $68,000 will be holding us back for a while. We can't have more than $10,000 in debt to be in ministry since the salary is 100% donor-supported and it would not be good stewardship if roughly $400 of that income was going toward college loan payments when it could support another missionary with FamilyLife. With all that said, I am searching for steady full-time income that will support my family, and use my income from real estate sales and Reel Tours to pay off  my college debt as quickly as possible. Liv is committed to working full-time as well and applying all that toward the college debt, too. Pretty much all our extra income will go towards eradicating that debt so we can fulfill our purpose to be in marriage ministry.

We ask for your prayers in our reaching this goal, and reaching our calling to be in Little Rock with FamilyLife. If all goes according to plan, we could be there as early as 4-5 years.

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