Sunday, January 30, 2011

What a volunteer serving in church did for my life.

When Liv and I first moved to Corpus Christi in late-2003, I wasn't yet a Christian but we were attending church. Actually, we were in the process of trying out different churches. Emma, who was about 7-8 months old at the time, had a tough time being separated from us, so we were often called out of worship service to attend to Emma who never stopped crying since we checked her in with the children's services.

Over time, we noticed that Emma had a better time at Bay Area Fellowship, we weren't getting called out of worship service when we were there. We later found out that the BAF Children's Ministry had assigned one volunteer to hold Emma in a rocking chair for the entire 1-hour service and this would keep her from crying. For about 6 months, this man came in around 10am, greeted all of us, took Emma in his arms and rocked her for an hour. That was the extent of his volunteer service, he held my baby girl in a rocking chair for an hour. He had to, Emma at that time was like the bus from the movie "Speed", if the rocking and holding stopped she exploded into tears and crying.

In those 6 months, I was able to sit through the entire worship service, and it was in those 6 months that my wife and I both received Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and were baptized. That is the impact that our service in church has for other people. A man who simply came in and held baby girl for an hour every weekend for 6-7 months doesn't sound noble or great, however it allowed for an entire family to commit to a relationship with Christ.