Last night was the final prayer meeting of the 2011 season for the Corpus Christi Weekend to Remember Team. There was a sense of accomplishment for me during that meeting although I know I will become more anxious and excited over the next couple of days. The reason I had a calm about myself though was how everything has come together. We didn't see the number of registrations this year I had hoped to see, which means to me fewer people learning about God's plan for their marriages. However, many new relationships were started that will carry into years to come that will allow Corpus Christi to have an effective resources available throughout the year that strengthens marriages.
Some of those new relationships include the South Texas Children Home Ministries, Healthy Marriages Coalition, TwogetherInTexas, Avance, and more. We are also building and rebuilding relationships with churches in town, and have a better sense on how to engage our volunteer team as well as pour into their own marriages.
I am excited to see what this weekend holds for many couples, but I'm especially excited to see what 2012 has in store for this ministry (FamilyLife's Weekend to Remember & Homebuilders Movement.)