Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Daughter Challenged Me to a Ballet Workout

Back in August, my daughter challenged me to a ballet workout that made her sore. I completed the challenge, but it also left me winded and sore.

We tend to take our time with our families for granted. I've met many men, too many men, who have succeeded in their careers, but regret not spending more time with their own children while they were young. While my career and finances are not stellar, I have been blessed to enjoy moments like these with my children. Fortunately, we do not have the Daddy makeover and the Daddy mani-/pedi- on video.

Note: It is possible to have a successful career, solid finances, AND a healthy relationship with your family. The point I want to make is to be sure to never forget the relationships that matter most to you.

What kinds of activities do you intentionally do with your children to stay connected with them on a regular basis?

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