Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Episode #8 - Father-son talk about baseball, coaching, and relationships

Spring 2013

The title pretty much says it all. Jacob and I were talking about baseball. I had planned to ask him about his favorite coaching styles (and worst), then realized I had a teachable moment about relationships both personally and professionally.

In this episode
  • Why did Jerry buy a new pair of baseball cleats...for himself!?
  • What was Jacob's best coaching experience like, and his worst, in baseball?
  • What can we learn about the best and worst qualities in baseball coaches teach us about healthy relationships personally and professionally?

He's definitely a trooper, too! We found out after we recorded this episode that he was fighting off a low grade fever. Yikes!

So, did I cheat in this episode? Did I ask one, multi-part question, or did I really ask two or three questions?


See what others are saying about my Kindle eBook
Use Your Smartphone to Lose Weight. Many people expected a review of fitness apps, but there's much more than that, and that's what has people talking.

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