Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Episode 25 - Back-to-School Blues and Marriage Tune-Ups

First Day, 2014
Olivia and I talk about how it felt to send BOTH of our kids to middle school, and share three ways that the FamilyLife Weekend to Remember marriage getaways have strengthened our marriage. They’re definitely not just for people who are struggling in marriage. We see them as preventive care for a healthy marriage.

Emma really squeezing my hand hard!
Liv’s question to me: What was my impression of dropping Emma and Jacob off on their first day of school? In other words, how were they different as we dropped them off.

My question to Liv: What are three ways you’ve seen our marriage strengthened by attending Weekend to Remember, and why should married couples attend one themselves?

Our question to you: We learned from our Pastor, Bil Cornelius, that we should annually take a vacation with the kids and a vacation without the kids. What types of preventive care do you infuse into your marriage to keep things healthy? What have you learned from others about healthy marriages that you’d like to share? Comment below.

Click here to subscribe and receive a free copy of Strength Revisited.

Strength Revisited, a free eBook download based on my TEDxCorpusChristi Talk about how we define strength in manhood.

You and your spouse are invited to attend a
Weekend to Remember marriage getaway.

Use the Group Name “Corpus Christi” when you register to attend a getaway. Corpus Christi will host Weekend to Remember on May 29-31, 2015!