Monday, October 27, 2014

Episode 34 - Hair playing, AllProDad question for my wife, a Sorcerer’s Hat, and Who’s Pregnant?!

Photo credit: Brittany Soliz, NGM Photos, 2014

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Olivia’s question to me: You know at night, when we’re watching television without the kids, why do you not automatically start playing with my hair? You know that’s what I want.

Bonus Question #1: Could you (Jerry) please entertain us for 15 minutes talking about the game “Clue?”

My question to Olivia: Is there anything I devote a regular amount of time to that you see as a possible threat to our family or our marriage relationship?

This question was drawn from #9 in a post called “10 Questions to Ask Your Wife Every Year” by Thanks to Justin Bradley from Iron Sharpens Iron on Facebook for posting this list in the Facebook Group. (Correction: the Bible verse I meant to reference was Proverbs 27:17, not 17:11.)

Our question to you: What is the word embedded in my “tattoo” from Olivia? See the image below. Virtual high-five to those who find it!

Photo credit: Jerry Dugan. Yes, that's a hairy leg. Sorry.
You can't un-see that.
Will you give me some of your feedback about this blog and podcast by taking this reader survey (closes Nov. 1, 2014.) Say, yes, by taking the survey, click here. Say, no, by not clicking on the survey link. Thanks in advance.

Strength Revisited, a free eBook download based on my TEDxCorpusChristi Talk about how we define strength in manhood.

Use Your Smartphone to Lose Weight available on

Order tickets for The Nutcracker by Corpus Christi Ballet. Email Olivia for details.


  1. Replies
    1. There's also a smilie face in highlighter in there somewhere. Olivia loves to write on me while we're in church, because I'm taking notes for the small groups curriculum and devotional so I can't stop.


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