Someone gave me a gift card to Barnes & Noble during Christmas, and with that I was able to purchase 2 books online for the price of one book in the store itself. One of those books was The Blessed Life by Robert Morris, a book I have wanted to get my hands on since 2006.
The book is about giving the first of what you have to God's house, and how we can never out give God. There was a phrase that stood out from Robert Morris. Of all the people he has spoken with, those who give a full tithe will say things like "I'm blessed," and "God has blessed me," while those who do not often say, "I can't afford to tithe." It's also a difference in your frame of mind, are you giving back to God who gives you everything, or are you giving to some guy's church because you like what he says on statge (or you like the music.)
So, the question that stuck in my head is this, do you want to be "blessed by God" or someone who always says "I can't afford to." The latter is to say, "I can't afford to live by faith." I can say from personal experience that the months when I did tithe, I was blessed even more, and when I got greedy and stopped tithing, so did the blessings.
For those who really have to know what the second book was that I ordered with my gift card, it was The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris.