Saturday, January 25, 2014

What One Word Will Drive You in 2014?

So, there I was! (As all good Army stories begin, except this isn't an Army story.) I was spending time reflecting on 2013 and writing out my action steps for 2014 when an email popped up from a good friend of mine.

The subject line read, "One Word." Expecting to read a rant, I opened the email. What I found instead was a challenge to "find one word that will define your year," then tie a verse to it from the Bible.

I liked the idea, so my word is "FOUNDATION", and my verse is from 1 Corinthians 3:11, "For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have - Jesus Christ." I thought this was fitting for me as I dedicated 2014 to laying down the foundation for my dreams in the context I have chosen.

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What is the word you will use to describe your new year? Leave a comment below.

Craig Groeschel sermon that inspired the challenge from my friend. "Small Things Big Difference Part 1: Your One Word"

Check out and find others who have the same word as you for support. 

Share your one word on Twitter #oneword365.

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