I can't believe that it has already been 11 years since I watched SCUD missiles fly overhead towards Kuwait City and the camps we vacated weeks prior to invasion day. A real life Missile Command battle was waging overhead as I received instructions to suit up into my chemical suit (J-LIST). My battalion was going to launch its artillery assault in a matter of hours. The guard towers along the Iraqi border already targeted, leaflets already dropped by PsyOps warning guards to vacate the towers and region if they wanted to live, 3-lane sand roads plowed through the border's minefield.
As I prepared for the invasion, I remember thinking to myself, "Are we allowed to do this? Am I ready to do this?"
I was the medic for B Battery, 1st Battalion, 10th Field Artillery, "The Raging Bulls". My self-made call-sign was "Bull2Mike" so people would know it was the medic from Bravo's 2nd Platoon talking on the radio network. The call-sign was more for comic relief as well, because this wasn't an official call-sign. Everyone who heard it would say to themselves, "Who the F*(@ is 'Bull2Mike!?'"
There wasn't much time to worry about anything, but my job. I double checked my aid bag, enough to treat four trauma patients simultaneously. I double checked my reserve medical supplies, the two NBC litters we carried in our Humvee, then I set out to clean my M-4 carbine. Mentally, I reviewed basics like ABC (Airway, Breathing, Circulation) assessments, common injuries to expect like broken bones from dropped artillery rounds and bullets to the chest, and then there was the morale issue. I was a 27-year old Army Medical Sergeant surrounded by younger soldiers looking to me for encouragement. Despite being scared out of my mind, I had to stay focused on my tasks, appear confident in myself, my leadership, and the plan.
Bravo Battery (my battery) fired more than 3,000 of the 6,283 artillery rounds fired by the 1st Battalion, 10th Field Artillery. We were involved in every major engagement of the 3rd Infantry Division during the 21-day invasion. That fact always causes me to step back and say, "Wow!" then I sober up when I realize just one round can kill everything on a football field.
Excerpt taken from Military.com
In January 2003, 1-10th Field Artillery and 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized) again deployed to Southwest Asia in support of the Global War on Terror and Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Battalion repeatedly distinguished itself during 26 days of sustained combat, fighting in every major engagement of the war except one. After crossing the Kuwait-Iraq border on the night of 20 March 2003, the Battalion traveled more than 750 kilometers in 20 days, culminating in the 3rd Infantry Division's attack into Baghdad on 6 April 2003. The Battalion fired a total of 6,283 rounds in support of all 3 ground maneuver brigades of the 3rd Infantry Division. These fires destroyed more than 800 enemy soldiers and 75 direct fire combat systems. The Battalion processed 218 radar acquisitions that resulted in the confirmed destruction of more than 50 enemy indirect fire systems. The Battalion lost no soldiers during the initial conflict and sustained only one casualty.
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Homecoming, July 2003 |
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