Olivia and I had the privilege and honor to serve as prayer volunteers for a recent Art of Marriage event at Bay Area Fellowship-Westside. The event was led by our friends Clem and Marvella Ortiz, and a great team of volunteers who served in areas like childcare, set up, refreshments, and production.
One of the women attending the event heard that I was a featured speaker for a men’s conference where I spoke about headship in marriage.
As soon as she made that connection, she put me on the spot and asked me, “What five things do you do to stay close in your marriage?” I stammered for a moment as I collected my thoughts, then answered her question.
It was then I decided to pay it forward by asking Olivia that same question in Episode 22 of Family Time Q&A.
Tune in to listen to Olivia’s response, and see how well her list matches with my own.
Olivia's question to Jerry: What have you enjoyed doing the most this Summer?
Jerry's question to Olivia: What five things do you think we do to stay close in our marriage?
Our question to you: What five things do you and your spouse do to stay close in your marriage? Share in the comments below. Thanks for listening.
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Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaway

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