Friday, July 4, 2014

Use It or Lose It - Inalienable Rights

Corpus Christi Hooks 4th of July game, 2011. Whataburger Field.
Happy Independence Day to you and your family! While I share this picture from a 4th of July Corpus Christi Hooks game in 2011, I hope you are able to enjoy a safe, fun-filled holiday. I am grateful we live in a nation where freedom is prized even though that does come with greater risk and responsibility than most countries.

On my blog this week, I re-posted an entry from May 2011 where I reflect on returning home from Operation Iraqi Freedom. (Read "My Own Replacement")

I remember clearly seeing video and news stories of people protesting the 2003 invasion of Iraq before our mission kicked off. Some soldiers were hurt by this, even angered, but I was grateful. Seeing those protests gave me hope that terror hadn't won in our nation.

By Unknown or not provided
[Public domain],
via Wikimedia Commons
We are still a country that embraces the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Protecting our rights to free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom to assemble is important to me, but USING those rights is even more important.

Much like someone who accrues too much paid time off at work, we have a "Use it or lose it" arrangement. The less we use our inalienable rights, the more likely they will be stripped from us gradually. If not by government directly, then by our own inaction.

With that said, Happy Independence Day, and never waste your God-given rights. Use your rights with confidence and responsibility.

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