Monday, August 4, 2014

Episode 23 - A Game of "This or That" with My Daughter

Emma and I decided to play a game called "Would You Rather" in this episode asking each other a variety of eight rapid fire questions like, "Would you rather read a traditional paper printed book or an eBook?" with a short explanation of why after each one.
We also had random shout-outs to podcasts we enjoy such as Jared Easley from "Starve the Doubts" and Lou Mongello from "WDW Radio". We love your podcasts and look forward to new episodes every week!

You can catch show notes for all my podcast episodes by clicking here.

Our question to you: On a rainy day, would you rather stay home wrapped in a warm blanket or go outside and get wet?

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Prayer Request: I humbly ask for your prayers, good thoughts, and well-wishes for a dear friend and mentor of mine, Joe, who is battling prostate cancer. Fortunately, he has been able to participate in a trial treatment which has allowed his access to care that he would otherwise not have because of how advance the tumor was.

Coming soon! Strength Revisited, a free eBook download based on my TEDxCorpusChristi Talk about reconsidering how we define strength in manhood.

Related post: Husband's Strength in Marriage.

MOOC - Massive Open Online Courses are just what the name implies. They are massive online courses that are offered for free from college professors. If you wanted to sit in on a course just for the information and don’t care much about certification or paying tuition then give one of these a try through programs like Coursera or iTunes University. I just completed a MOOC on Assessing and Teaching for 21st Century Skills through Coursera and the professors were from University of Melbourne.

Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaway
Save $100/couple by using the Group Name “Corpus Christi” when you register to attend a getaway. Corpus Christi will host Weekend to Remember on May 29-31, 2015!

WDW Radio - Walt Disney World has so much to offer that it is you are only robbing yourself if you think you can explore the WDW parks without a clue. Lou Mongello shares his knowledge of trivia to help you make the most of your next (or first) Walt Disney World adventure.

Starve the Doubts - a podcast and blog about overcoming your own self-doubts hosted by Jared Easley.

Grav3yard Girl - a show that Emma and Olivia love to watch on YouTube. She does walk-throughs of Wal-Mart and Target for goofy products, and demonstrates "As Seen on TV" products in a segment of her vlog she calls "Does This Thing Really Work?!"

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