Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy Birthday to Olivia and Approaching the Middle of the Road - Episode 44 FTQA

The type of cake Olivia had for her
4th birthday - decorated with
Strawberry Shortcake.

I want to again wish Olivia a happy birthday. It has been a great honor to celebrate this milestone with you for the past thirteen years, and I look forward to celebrating many more in the decades to come.

This is Episode 44 of Family Time Q&A and Olivia and I talk about her 35th birthday and how I am handling approaching middle age. My 39th birthday is coming up in February. It’s a good life, but I am amazed at how quickly it has been going by. I already have a teenage son, and a preteen daughter, but I feel like I just left for the Army in my early-twenties! What the heck? When did that happen?

We’re gearing up to promote Weekend to Remember in Corpus Christi, and it’s exciting that our team has come back together after a 3-year hiatus. Our hope for the 2015 Spring season is that our team grows in number and that we are able to fill the ballroom in May.

Our question to you: What has been your most memorable birthday experience or memory, good or bad?

Leave a comment below, leave a voicemail, or send us an email using the contact form.

Attend a Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaway. Renew and strengthen your marriage into a relationship that leaves an eternal legacy. Use Group Name “Corpus Christi” to save.

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