Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Operation Prayer Garden...An Update

This is definitely a Big Hairy Audacious Goal, and I commend Jeff Powell for his heart and obedience to get this project off the ground. I truly appreciate the BAF leadership for giving Jeff the okay to do this project, and thank you to the MoB, Janes, Hometeams, and Element for backing him on this proejct. Talk about making a huge leap of faith for something God has put on his heart! Over 5,000 people pass this Prayer Garden every weekend, and that number grows each week as we reach out to "Save the Humans".
The volunteers who have come out have been amazing to work with. Not all of the volunteers are from BAF! Some have even brought their families out and made a family event out of it. Some are new believers, and others haven't yet received Christ! This project is just screaming divine appointments.
For me personally I would love to see us as a ministry really give our best service and effort to the vision that God has put on Jeff's heart, and I can't wait to see the look on Jeff's face when this is over because it will be the face of a man who has been touched by God. Jeff will see what God can do through His people, and I really want to be there when Jeff realizes that.
This is a God-opportunity on many levels. It's a chance to show people what men grounded in Christ can do through service and sacrifice. It's a chance to show our children it's okay to work and not ask "What's in it for me?". There is a man in my Monday morning group using this as an opportunity to minister to another man who needs Christ in a bad way.
I go out there every Sunday and talk with families that come out to appreciate the work that has been done so far, and they are amazed at what a group of volunteers has accomplished. My thought is if people are impressed now with the progress we've made, what if we finished in the next 2 weeks with 20-30 people, families, friends, co-workers, hometeam members, and neighbors, led by men of Christ?
The Men of Bay Area Fellowship (The MoB) is more than a small group of men who come up with a hair-brained scheme and shout orders out to 250 men via email. We have an opportunity to be a shining light to the men of Corpus Christi, and the future men as well (our sons), and what we bring as a ministry are opportunities to be that shining light through works of service, through men's bible groups, and through our social media outlets.
I'm bringing my family this Saturday (and maybe the next one), and my kids are old enough to stay by my side and work with me one brick at a time.

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