Thursday, May 16, 2013

Meeting Challenges & Searching for a New Title

Since January 2013, I have been a member of a group of men who are committed to challenging each other to live the "Impossible Life". We call it the Impossible Life because alone it will be impossible to achieve, but in faith that God is on our side we can pull it off. We are challenging each other to take leaps of faith, get out of our comfort zones, and start achieving the big baby steps we need to accomplish the life we dream of for ourselves.

I was finally challenge to take a leap of faith that truly pulls me out of my comfort zone. Well, the direction is a leap of faith, the leap itself is more of a baby step on the way. The challenge was to speak to an audience within the next month outside of my current job (I'm a Community Educator for Women's Shelter of South Texas). In a short time, I found myself in a panic, shifting gears from taking my time writing a "safe" book and instead working on the boldest of my book ideas. Over the next year, I will now refine my presentation and write a book to go with that presentation. The topic is on men and healthy marriages, more specifically how men can have healthy Biblical marriages.

I am already scheduled to be a guest speaker at a Christian men's conference in June, and will put together my presentation over the next few weeks. My heart was racing as I put the word out that I am available to present on this topic, then I stopped breathing the moment someone took me up on my offer. Don't worry, I am breathing again. I also have two other speaking opportunities to follow up on, and I am open to scheduling more in the next year.

This is a calling I have on my heart in a world where 1 in 3 women will be a victim of domestic violence in her life, and it is said that about half of all marriages end in divorce. My hope is to educate and help men understand the social norms that set them up for failure, and worse, set them up to be abusive. There are responsibilities that come with headship, and it requires a heavy dose of humility and surrender in order to lead the way we were meant to lead.

I also need help choosing a title for the book I want to write. It is about headship in marriage. Take a look at the titles below, and leave a comment to let me know which book you would be willing to purchase if you saw it on the shelf at your local bookstore. See titles below...

Choice #1: 5 Ways to Make Your Wife Submit to You

Choice #2: 5 Ways to be a Humble Husband: Essential Principles to Headship in Marriage

Choice #3: Men Are From Earth Women Are a Gift from God, Treat Her Like One

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