Saturday, June 29, 2013

41 Pounds Lost in 175 Days

This morning, I weighed in at 184 pounds. My waist is 36.5" and my neck measured at 16.5". This surpasses
my halfway milestone to getting healthy, eating healthy, and losing weight.

My life goal is to weigh around 155-160 pounds, have a 32" waist, and be physically fit. In reviewing those goals, I need to get cracking on doing some pull ups and incorporate more of an abdominal workout. Yikes!

I have a solo hike planned for October (originally this August, but I had to compromise with my agent, in other words, Olivia thought it was too hot to go in August and felt better if I went when it was cooler, like in October.) That will be a 28-mile round trip with an overnight on Malachite Beach. This won't be anything too rigorous, I'll park my car on Padre Island, hike along a road to the National Seashore, and set up camp. First thing in the morning, I'll have breakfast, break camp, then head back to my car. This is mainly a shake down hike for more to come later.

I'm getting more and more people asking me what I did to lose this much weight in six months, and as boring as it may sound, I really just lost it steadily at 1-2 pounds a week by eating within reasonable limits (tracking it all on MyFitnessPal), working out 20-30 minutes five days a week and drinking about 8-10 cups of water a day.

My sorta BEFORE video.

How I've been doing it..."17 Pounds Lost in 35 Days"

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